Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Willingness Readies the Promise

"If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land." Isaiah 1:19

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." Psalm 51:12

HOPE. RESTRAINT. WILLINGNESS. I'm finding God to be a God of Order. I'm becoming very fascinated by the order of His whispers to me this week. If you have just joined me, I encourage you to read at least monday and tuesday's blog before starting this one.

Consistant followers of this blog have probably recognized my need to define the word or words God is whispering. Today will be no different.

Willing is defined in the Webster Dictionary as 'ready, eager, or prepared to do something; given or done readily; "willing obedience."

There's ALL KINDS OF TRUTH in just a mere definition!

God is looking for a WILLING generation - not just a community of people who literally HOPE for the BEST but also a community of believers ready to connect that HOPE and FAITH with some WILLINGNESS!

When we have a child who is willing to get ready in the morning and willing to do the hard chores without complaint, willing to be obedient - we are happy parents...often over the moon! We become proud parents of our children and are more willing to give them their hearts desires.

God wants willing children. Ones EAGER! Ones READY! A body of believers who are PREPARED TO DO SOMETHING in WILLING OBEDIENCE!

Being ready, eager and prepared says to me that a person who is truly willing expects something to happen and has full confidence that something will occur. God wants people who have full confidence that what He is doing and promising them WILL IN FACT COME TO FRUITION. The more diligent the willingness the more diligent, I believe, the Lord is about making something happen.

I want to honor God and keep certain sacrid things God has cast vision in me, solely between us. While doing that I ALSO want to record God's faithfulness and declare some of the promises He wants to fulfill...that way in due time - when they are happening and being fleshed out your faith and my faith will be made more confident and encouraged.

I confidently HOPE to be pregnant soon. That's bold! I confidently HOPE to be shaken to my core by God's radical truths and miracles and used in a way no one else has been used.  I'm WILLING to believe God will do these things! That He will use a mess like me and my family (whose not quite as messy) through Jesus to FREE CAPTIVES, LOOSE BONDAGES AND INSPIRE PEOPLE-FAMILIES and GENERATIONS.


I'm confident it is through my tongue people will be convicted to do business with their Creator and will be inspired to live out their life using their giftings in love to serve others. I'm convicted to no longer use my tongue to gossip or back bite or even to speak foolishness. Those are things I refuse to let the enemy use to prevert my tongue. That's BOLD. That's HOPEFUL. Possibly even considered world standards.

Remember Monday when I talked about it's not encouraged and is even frustrating to be around people who are so HOPEFUL. But I don't live for the world...nor am I any longer its captive...Jesus bought me and is telling me to be different! Set apart! And WILLING to be HOPEFUL!

My strong desire for myself and for you is to be a lover of Jesus that is WILLING. A believer that is READY, EAGER AND PREPARED! May the Lord 'grant you a willing spirit' in Jesus' NAME.

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