Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WonderWednesdays: EmBRACING Fall...

Despite the 98 degree heat...even though it's SEPTEMBER..

I'm embracing fall.


I decided to go back in our pictures and Paxton's journal. To find that this time last year Pax was almost 7 months. And first starting to crawl. So I looked through the dates of all my pictures on my computer and discovered these. Taken Sept. 5th & 6th.

Getting his daily skin on skin time with Momma. 

And crawling. Oh gosh. Look at that chunky baby little. 

Hard to believe.

Now in creative news. What Wonder Wednesday is dedicated to.

My first craft was the attempt to make paper Christmas trees (not quite successful). I at least accomplished the logistics - thanks to a friend and her mega math skills. Who knew? Crafts and math.

So I'm leaving the task for another day.

In the midst of trying to tackle a craft to share with you all and feel a bit creative - I also loved my sweet little back to health.

Ben, Pax and I had a swell & very brief visit to the Urgent Care last night. Pax is apparently allergic to his antibiotic - making his ENTIRE body blotchy and swollen. No big deal.

He was given steroids.

Which pretty much made him...


Amazed, what a year does.


With all that, we enjoyed the outdoors. How,  so badly, I wished it was fall.

I've lit my fall scented candles - drank my really hot coffee (a whole pot - as if I was really chilly) and picked out some fall colors to make a BRACELET.

So after my very hilarious little went to bed...

I braided this.. While catching up on my Wonder Years.

Be chilly soon. Please weather?..? Please.

Let the heat relent. 

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