Monday, January 30, 2012

Satisfied in the Wait

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2

"Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." Daniel 10:12

My prayer everytime before I set my hands to the keyboard - is that Jesus is glorified, people are stirred and God's faithfulnes is recorded. 

Currently on the "physical side" of things...We have heard back from Children's Cup and have began the official paperwork of background checks and such. To make it public..we are going to Africa. Our roles, what parts we'll play or details on when we leave or which of the 3 Care Points we'll be at is still undetermined. (Children's Cup has 3 care points: Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Mozambique). We do know it is a two year commitment. However, (this is news we are sharing) we are sensing very strongly it could be more than just 2 years. We are also sensing that it will be relatively soon when we leave. However, we still need to sell our car and home and both Ben and I joke that it'll probably happen right before we're suppose to leave...

So we wait...

On the "spiritual side" of things...God has been giving us roles to fill here and little fun assignments - that require us to bend and be molded and extremely flexible and faithful....humbling. I have remained faithful to seeking God about blog entries - knowing full well that this documented journey has turned into a regular spiritual read for many of my friends, family and coworkers. I desire not to disappoint the Lord in this. Both Ben and I are continuing to fast and seek the Lord about Africa as well as some other BIG things while were here...

So we wait....

And as I we the Lord is calling you to wait....I encourage you to remain satisfied. 

Friday I talked about overflowing. When something disrupts. When I wake up at the ungodly hour of three a.m. and I begin to pour water and the formula in a Paxton sits on the kitchen floor wailing...and I overflow the bottle...He gets so excited and anxious..HOWEVER...that mess needs to be cleaned. Pax is excited...he gets a few more unexpected if he needs it - yet mommy has got a mess to look forward to a bit later when she's a little more awake. 

Overflowing disrupts. When God shows up and overflows - we get stretched - our 'spiritual pants' have to be taken out, we get stretch marks, we get redirected. When God overflows - others are affected. When Ben, Pax and I leave - our mommas are going to be stretched...emotions are going to run over. will be disrupted. 

But what God wants us to know is that even in the waiting He still wants us to experience His Presence, He still wants us to overflow and be Him. 

We know when Christmas is...we love that day..time with family and presents. We wait in anticipation for it...but while we wait...we shop..we satisfy our minds and our time. 

God wants us to know our Dreams and WANTS to fulfill them...BUT while we wait..we got some learning to do..some stretching to happen...BUT we also have some JOY TO BE HAD. 

It then becomes a choice. We can, everyday as we wait, say 'get on with it'...'where are you'...'why you taken up all this time'...'aren't you God'...

OR we can say - I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied, I serve You. A God, who has rescued my soul..and if you do nothing else for me...I am satisfied. 

For those of us truly exposed to the Lord, know it is not His character to keep us stationary. He is a GREAT GOD with GREAT EXPECTATIONS. However...

We must be satisfied in the wait. 

In Daniel 10:12 - an angel or maybe even the Lord showed up to Daniel - He percieved a vision. This angel or the Lord spoke to Daniel. 

"Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." Daniel 10:12

I love 'set your mind' in this verse. It was a choice by Daniel that eventually....eventually....after some wait....recieved a response. But 'since the first day' till the point in which this being showed up to give Daniel clarity...Daniel 'set his mind'. 

Colossians 3:2 says: "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." 

The world says now! The world argues that it has done enough waiting! The world says "immediately satisfy me or I'm gonna move on!"

But not from this world..His ways and knowledge and will is HIGHER. Often HIGHER requires LONGER. 

So when we recieve our reward, our promise - we fully understand the value of it. Because its HIGHER...FAR MORE DIGNIFIED THAN WHAT THE WORLD CAN CONJURE UP FOR US. 

As much as I want more babies RIGHT NOW.. I WANT JESUS MORE. As much as I want to be in Africa serving children and adults...I WANT JESUS MORE. As much as I want my address to read a different country and the thrill of a new culture...I WANT JESUS MORE. 

DO YOU WANT JESUS MORE? Than that thing..that dream...that promise?

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